About NowKISS
NowKISS is an online dating platform, where the ultimate goal is to provide a service which is both effective and straightforward. Our approach is to empower you with useful tools to seek out whatever you’re hoping to find.
We aim to address common frustrations found in existing online dating platforms, which have been neglected for far too long, and hope to create something which is rewarding and satisfying for as many users as possible.
Why is it called NowKISS?
The name is a combination of several factors:
- This service intends to be aligned with The KISS Principle.
- It references a meme.
- It fits the overall dating theme.
Feature Roadmap
- A user is able to explicitly search for other users matching various criteria (gender, age, relationship type etc).
- A user can view a list of search results. Results contain basic detals, photo(s), and a user written blurb.
- A user can either like or dismiss other users.
- A user can set up received likes to be auto-dismissed.
- Auto-dismissal can be set up for users mismatching with specified criteria, or failing to correctly answer user-provided screening questions.
- Dismissed users can still be viewed separately from likes.
- Mutual likes can exchange contact details (plans for this are still a WIP and messaging details are to be looked at after implementing other core features).
Important Notes
The current state of this service is that it is a passion project maintained by one person, who has experience with meeting strangers off the internet for over 20 years. It is highly experimental and subject to significant change and evolution.